Saturday, August 30, 2008

Grades and Assignments

It's been a busy start to the year. So I haven't had the chance to keep things up-to-date. An important change is how I publish grades and assignments. I used to embed them within blog posts. It was slick but kind of annoying. Whenever I made a change to the Google spreadsheet, I had to do extra work on the blog to make it fit and look right. It's too much tedium for someone as obsessive-compulsive as myself. So I'm just going to link to the spreadsheet itself. I hate to send you away from the blog to check grades or assignments but it's the cleanest way to do it.

Anyway, it's all up and running and the links are at the top of the right sidebar. I'll update it about every other day, if not daily. And remember, I care about your character, not your grades.

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